Join the Legal Team

What Can You Do To Help?

There are 32,000 veterans living in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. Many of them face legal challenges that are barriers to housing and employment. Their VA benefit claims are denied because they do not have legal representation during the claim and appeal process. They have family law needs such as divorce, child support and estate planning. Some are in need of guardianship. The Kansas City legal community has amazing talent and the ability to provide these services.

Join the Military Matters Legal Team

Military Matters is looking for your help in building its pro bono network for service members and veterans. Providing pro bono service through Military Matters satisfies lawyers’ requirement of participating in the Jackson County Juvenile appointment program for one year. Administrative Order 18-06 states, in part:

Local Rules 21.4 (2014) and 21.6.1 (2010) govern the termination/withdrawal of attorneys and guardians ad litem in Chapter 211 RSMo. cases. Upon receipt of a Motion to Withdraw requesting that an attorney be relieved of an appointment in either a Chapter 211 case or a civil contempt case filed in the Family Court Division of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri, the application shall be presented to the Court for consideration, except:

  • If the attorney’s request is based upon verified active participation in the Volunteer Attorney Project or the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Foundation’s Legal Connection: Military Matters program within the twelve month period preceding the date of the appointment;

Visit the Court’s website and read the Administrative Order.

Total benefits of joining the Military Matters Legal Team:


Join the Military Matters Legal Team


For more information, please email us at [email protected]